Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 2nd

Tonight was a great night. Michael and I went on a date, a real date. Recently I've been spending a lot of time at home because Michael takes our 1 car to work and has it all day while I stay at home unless I work at night and he will bring it by at lunch time. So for the most part I'm at home all day. And on days that I work, I see Michael for about 10 min when he drives with me to work and then he drives the car home. Michael and I have been going on semi-dates to a Mexican food place called Los Arcos where our friends Alyssa and Rachelle work at bar tenders. Its also called taco tuesdays so we get 75 cent tacos. We sit and talk and when our friends aren't busy we hang out with them. We take Nixon with us so they can enjoy him too. We have also had a few game nights, with them, and with our friends Ali and Matt. I enjoy our friends a lot, but i was starting to become sad that we were spending so much time with our friends, but not with each other alone romancing each other.

So sweet Michael treated me to dinner and a movie. I usually don't like movies on a date because I feel like we don't talk. But we had about 2 hours at dinner and we just talked and enjoyed each other. It was so nice. I was able to open up and tell Michael things that I probably wouldn't have in just a 10 minute conversation here and there. the movie was really funny too. I think michael really enjoyed it. Nixon stayed at home with grandma.

I've been doing this video called the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. Boy has it been hard and a good work out for me. There are 3 levels for me I thought that i would just wiz through the 1st level but boy is that level hard for me. I have to do that modified. I have been doing it consistently for 7 days and have lost 5.5lbs. I have been stuck in the 150's for like a month, and have been trying to be good with my eating, now with the video I have finally broke into the 140's. i'm so excited. I have new encouragement now. I am excited to get down into the 130s. My friend Ali Schwarts has been coming over every day to do the video with me. Its been really sweet to have that girl time wiht her.

Nixon is 11 weeks now. He's almost 3 months! We are enjoying him and his chub so much. Its so cute, he pretty much doesn't have a neck anymore because he has a double chin. His little arms that used to be so skinny that he had loose skin hanging off a little, now are tight. His little wrists are so tight that they have creases. Its so cute. His eyes are the shape of Michael's now. Its so sweet. I've gotten into the habit of taking off his clothes during the day so i can enjoy his soft skin. I used to think that he was the cutest he could be as a newborn, but really, i think he's the cutest he's been now because we can see his features coming through and his personality coming through. I love when he smiles and makes faces. I've learned the 3 reasons why he cries too, so it's been a lot easier to take care of him. He either cries because he's hungry, tired, or has a full diaper. Occasionally he will also cry if he doesn't want to sleep and i'm trying to make him, or if he really needs to burp. He's a pretty easy baby. He's lifting his head very well. I'm just waiting for him to be able to turn over.

Our friends, the Norwoods, are having another baby. I just found out. When she told me, immediately i wanted another baby. I wanted to be pregnant again and have another little baby. But deep down i know that it will be better to just give all of our attention to Nixon and to try and have a baby in a year or two when we are more established. Plus i want the experience to be special, not like a repeat of something i just went through. So I'm focusing on enjoying my little squishy man right now. I just love my husband and baby :)

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