Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sitting up

Well Nixon isn't quite sitting up on his own or anything, but he absolutely loves sitting up with the assistance of Mom! It started with me playing with him as he lay on his back, then I moved him to his tummy so he could have a little tummy time. He always seems to get enhausted on his tummy and complains, but I think to myself "well he has to do something productive other than laying on his back," so we are attempting the sitting position. He's so cute. He wobbles a lot so I have to keep my arms around his chest but he just leans his head back and stares and smiles at me. I love it.

Another thing I've notices is that Nixon is starting to understand how to move his limbs and what makes them do different things. When he sits up he's just so zoned in on his feet. He watches them move for a good 5 uninterrupted minutes. Michael has also been propping the bottle in his hands, and it really seems as if something is connecting there. he seems to enjoy it more that when we try to hold it for him. If we prop the bottle up with a pillow or blanket, he will grab the part close to his face, as if simulating he is holding it.

Michael got a new suit from express today. He looks very handsome. i am really loving my life right now and don't want to take any of it for granted. As I look at our completely messy place, I just feel so lucky to have this open area, and the set up with the walls not going to the cieling is so perfect so i can hear nixon in his room. It's always a good temperature up here. The view is amazing. We live is a sweet little city. I have this completely sexy husband, who is so hard working and a business man, who leaves for work everyday for 8 hours so i can stay home with the sweetest little baby. Nixon is so adorable. His smiles, his little weekly achievements, his new rolls, his little tears, they are all just so sweet. The Lord is definately blessing me with wonderful season in my life.

Recently i've been feeling a lack of spitirtual growth in the area of fellowship. I just feel that at our church, our friends that are our age just want different things in life. i just met up with a gal named Kayla and she goes to a different church with a moms group that i want to start going to. I was recently reading a blog of a girl who is a young and newly married, she's into fashion and interior design, and while i really do love both those things, I just feel like those were things i unsed to be consumed in, and now I am content with the way our place is designed because it's perfect for us, but i'm not really on the look out for the next best thing...unless in comes to something Nixon is doing. And i used to really want people to want to be like me, but now i feel so past that. i used to show off certain things, but now I just want people to love our little family and to not feel at any point intimidated by us (like i used to want) but just welcome and at ease. I think I will find moms that want those things too. I am slowly grasping miniscule amounts of what it means to have your eyes on the things of heaven and not of earth. I am just hungry for fellowship with other women who have kindred spirits in this area.

My boys are asleep so i should be going to bed too. Goodnight

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