Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Almost 6am

It's almost 6am and I just put my sweet little baby to sleep...doesn't that sound wrong? He's been doing this new thing where he wakes up around 3 or 5 in the morning and i feed him and sometimes he will go back to sleep. Well last night he was extra generous with his wake ups and I had to get up with him at 3 and 5 and both times he didn't want to go to bed. Lucky for me, Michael wanted me to sleep with him, I wasn't about to argue with that. I love sleeping with him. Its so sweet to wake up to that little face, and feel his little body moving every time he takes his quick little breaths. Sometimes you can even hear a little sigh here and there, its just the sweetest.

Nixon seems to be right on schedule. I've been reading what to expect the first year and everytime i read the month ahead, when he is close, he seems to be doing everything they say he should be able to do. He can topple over, he can grab things that touch his hands, and he can make a razz sound.

His tummy time is so funny. He still get tired of holding his big head up. So he will keep it up for a little while and then he sinks his face in his hands and smothers it (like he's shy.) its kind of adorable. yesterday he was having a tired moment and crying so i thought i would try tummy time on him. while on his tummy, he would calm down a little, then because he was so tired, he was having a hard time balancing, so he would topple over, and fling his arms all big and his eyes looked so scared and he would just cry. I couldn't help but laugh because it was so funny to me. We did it a few times.

I noticed during that tummy time and this morning when he was getting tired and wanted to cry. If i smiled at him and spoke in a high pitched voice where he thought it was good, his attitude would immiediately change. Its cool to see him change attitudes according to what he sees in me.

well i would blog longer but i'm exhausted. i'm going to sleep...at 6am ha!

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