Friday, March 19, 2010

toppling over

Well as of the last time I wrote we have had a few (little to the world but big to us) achievements. The first major one is that Nixon can push himself up while laying on his belly, he gets his rythm going a little and then can sort of roll/topple over to his back. Its pretty cute to watch cuz when he land on his back sometimes he startles himself and has giant eyes.

The second achievements comes from after the last blog I wrote. I was complaining about nursing. My mom read my blog, because she's my only reader, and called me. I knew she would want to talk about nursing and I really didn't want to talk about it because it's such a sore subject in my mind, but something in me was telling me to be patient and listen. She said I might want to try nursing with out a shield, (which almost always is the last thing i want to hear, because even more than being fed up with nursing, i'm even more sad that i can't nurse my baby on just my bare chest like normal women, but something was different today.) Somehting in me was telling me to take it in, take down the wall in my heart and listen. She said that now that Nixon is old and his mouth is a little different he might actually nurse. I said "maybe" but in my heart thought "probably not." I decided i would try withouth the shield at a time he wasn't really hungry because sometimes when he's hungry, he gets so upset that anything that could stress him out a little, ends up stressing him out a lot and I knew he would kind of freak out. So that night I got up with him for some reason, it wasn't a feeding time, and decided "what the heck, i'll just try it now" so i tried to nurse him (having really low expectation) but low and behold, he nursed. It was only for about 5 minutes till he realized something was weird and stopped but it was a wonderful 5 minutes none the less. So having a little more encouragement, the next day I tried again. this time I was able to nurse him for a good 15 minutes before he fell asleep. We are still working on this, but it's just so encouraging. I can feed my own baby! I feel like climbed some giant step of motherhood.

This morning I woke up to Nixon cooing in bed. It was one of the cutest things ever. I usually wake up to him crying because he's hungry. I pick him up and jet to the fridge to get a bottle to heat up. But this morning I woke up to "agooooo"...."agoooo" (with little coughs here and there because we are both getting over a flemmy cough sickness.) It was just so sweet. I picked him up and went to make him a bottle just waiting for him to bust into tears at any moment. He just snuggled up into my chest and was looking around while prepared his bottle. What a great start to the day. After feeding him, i went to burp him and he kept nuzzling his head into my shoulder and rubbing his eyes so I thought i would put him back into his crib because he might be tired. (I wasn't quite sure what he wanted.) Usually if he goes to bed when he's not completely sleepy, he'll cry, but i put him down and he was sucking his hands. I gave him a pacifier instead and did my usual "go to sleep routine" and he was still awake, so i left him thinking "if he's awake he'll cry and i'll come in and get him and play with him, if he's tired, he'll go to sleep. Then while blogging, I hear all these slurping sounds because he's obviously ditched the pacifier and is back to sucking on his hands, but no crying. And as i blog, the sounds stop, and I'm pretty sure he's back to sleep. This has been the easiest non stressful morning ever!

We are leaving for washington today as a family. We are all going to a place calle Snowquamie which is close to Seatle. We are visiting Cheryl's sister and family, Aunt Kim and Uncle Scott. I'm excited to travel with Nixon and be somewhere new with him. Plus Michael is going to let me sleep with him, which I have been wiening us off of a little bit. I still sleep with him but not as much because Michael doesn't want him getting attatched. But for a coulple days I get to sleep with my snuggle muffin and i'm excited. It will be a short, fun trip i think :)

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