Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nixon is 9 weeks old

So i haven't blogged in a while because the last time I signed on, it said that i had to have a google account and I don't. But today I checked, and I was able to get on like before. I have been journaling in our Microsoft Word, but now we need to buy it, so until then i'm going to be blogging online.
New things...
I had surgery on my ovaries. I was so scared that I would lost both, while the doctor was working to get the cysts out, but praise the Lord I kept both.
The olympics are on and that has been entertaining to watch.
Nixon is getting big. At his two month doctors appointment, he was weighed and he was 9lbs 9oz. he's almost 10 lbs! all i can think is that some babies are born at his size, i can't imagine a baby coming out of me that big. We have changed his eating from 2oz of milk every 2 1/2 hours to 4 to 5oz every 4 hours. Its hard to pump that much, so sometimes we have to add some formula, but i feel okay as long as Nixon is getting my breast milk every time. Nixon is cooing a lot and smiling a lot. It's quite cute.
Valentines day was on Sunday. I usually go all out, and buy a bunch of stuff to make the day special. This year i feel so bad, i didnt' really do a lot. Michael and I got tickets to watch a movie at a place called Cinebarr. It was like a movie theater where every other row of seats was taken out and replaced with a barlike table. There were menus and the waiters would bring you food as you watched the movie. it was really fun. On the way there, michael and I ran into target and i bought some things for a presant for him as well as a card and he bought me a gift too. He bought me a chi hair straightener which is something I've been wanting. He is so sweet.
Recently I have had two families that I kow well lose their babies, and I don't understand why. My dear friends Josi and Dan gave birth to their son Samuel who died 33 minutes after he was born. I personally learned so much from the way they trusted God through this, and how they had such great hope, and how they loved their little baby, but i can't help but feel sad. I just can't understand why such a wonderful God fearing family would lose their baby when they are such a great family. Then there's other worldy people who have babies, for the wrong reasons, who are healthy babies that live long and get into bad things and don't live lives that are God fearing.

My other friends, the Carey's just lost their precious baby girl who was 11months old. She had been sick for a couple days and then one morning, they found her body and her soul was with Jesus. It is wonderful that she never got to really experience sin and she's in an incredibly place, but its devistating for the people here on earth who don't get to enjoy her sweet heart anymore. Its just so sad to me. I don't understand why God allows this for christian families and other bad families don't experience any hardship in this area. I don't understand. But I can at least rest assured the knowing this truth that "god is good." I don't understand these things, but i can rest assured that this is true, even though it doesn't make sense to me. I hope God will explain in heaven.
I'm trying not to worry about my precious one. I pray for him daily. I hope he lives a long life. I know that I should just enjoy him daily and I shouldn't worry. He's growing so much. He smiles, and he's awake a lot more which is so fun. As long as he's full, he just looks at you and grunts and laughs. it's wonderful. I love my guys so much.

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