Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 8th, 9th, and 10th

Well I have'nt blogged in a little while but I have been writing journal entries. For some reason i'm having a hard time copying them onto hear, but I can copy stuff from here and put it on my word documents easily. I think i'm just a tchenology bafoon. So here's a recap from Friday and Saturday.

On thrusday night, i became worried about a health issue I thought i might have. Whenever something seems off about my health, I always look up the symptoms online to see what it could possibly and what I might possibly have to do to take care of it. Just to be somewhat prepared when I talk to my doctor, or to know if i should even contact my doctor. So when I looked up my symptoms online, it made it sound pretty severe and said that I would probably have to go to the hospital and stay there till it was over. So I planned on calling my doctor on friday and made preparations with Michael incase I might have to go to the hospital. Then I called my doctors office and they said that it was most likely not what i was thinking it was and in fact something else and to call after the weekend if this issue persisted but that it would probably be gone. Later in the day I met up with michael for lunch and he told me that his mom had been texting him to find out what was going on wiht me and all. I thought it was really sweet that she texted him and not me because I was so stressed out. I texted her and told her everything that happened.

Later that day I went over to target to get some things that we needed and use our target gift cards. I also stopped by safeway to get some groceries. I wanted to make dinner for michael and just do something special. So got stuff for fajitas, and a rose for him. When I got home Cheryl was home early. She told me that she took the rest of the day off of work just in case I might need her. This blessed me so much. I mean I love Cheryl so much and she is so kinda and generous, but this particular act really made me feel like I had a mom away from my mom in califonia. Cuz only moms would take time off of work to stay home in case you needed anything. It meant so much to me. I didn't know that she was coming home early while i was running errands so I felt bad that I came home kind of late with out letting her know. Well I made Michael dinner and lit some candles and Nixon stayed with Grammy. Afterwards he came upstairs and we we watched tv and went to bed.

At night I have been trying to nurse him. He falls asleep while nursing so I also have a bottle presant. When he woke up, he was apparently starving. He began sucking so fast. Then he got tired, I tried him on the other side, and then gave him the bottle. As he drank the bottle I just stroked his head and prayed with him (eventhough I know he doesn't really know what I'm saying) We prayed for all of his body parts, we prayed for his future, we prayed for our family, for the nation, we gave thanks for different things. It was such a sweet time. I loved it so much. I decided I wanted to do that every night.

Saturday morning came and Michael got up early and was taking care of him. We stayed around the house all day and went in the main house to see tracy since he was back from his long trip. apparently his cousin gave us some gifts so we opened those, and just hung out there. We ate dinner there too.

Then Michael and I left Nixon with the Grandparents and went to the movies. We went to go see new moon because I had been asking Michael if he would go with me again. I'm a little obsessed with those movies. I realized I love movies based on make believe things and usually based on books. Because it's fun to see the different colors and different environments hollywood makes and fun to envision what somehting that doesn't exhist would be like. So we went to the movies and it was packed. We thought that our movie would be really empty because it's been out for a while and a lot of new movies are out. But our theater was pretty full. One thing that was a bummer though, was a woman had her baby in there. And it was crying a lot. I have a new sense of patience for crying babies, but I also decided that night, that if you have to take a baby into a theater, that's fine. But if the baby is crying, you have to take it out, because it's not fair to the other people in the theater to listen to your baby crying. It might now bother you because you love your little one so much, but for other's that don't know how precious your baby is, it can just be offensive and annoying. So I told Michael, i really understand her taking her baby in. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. But you can't be so selfish that you watching a movie while your baby is crying and ruining the movie for the rest of the people becomes more important the the good for the majority. I just don't understand why she didn't take him outside to of the room just to sooth him and bring him back or give him a pacifier.

This morning, I woke up to Michael wiht the baby again. I missed church last week because the night before had been horrible. Last night wasn't too bad, in fact I was up feed Nixon around 7 thinking michael will be up probably around 730 to wake me back up. Well Michael didn't know how much i wanted to go to church since I missed last week, so he let me sleep. I ended up waking up at around 1045 totally bummed because not only did i miss the first service of church but I also missed the second because it was going to start in 15 minutes. So i just told him what happened and that I want to go to church next week for sure. I know i could have set my alarm but michael is usually my alarm on sundays. O well.

The rest of the day we kind of lounged around the house on the couches watching football and enjoying our family time. It was really sweet. Definately a day of rest. I really loved it. I mean I'm sad I missed the teaching at church today but the time with Nixon and Michael was so wonderful, that I couldn't really regret anything. Later Michael and I took Nixon on a 3 mile walk around this place called bald hill. Its actually the place we walked the day before Nixon was born. I love walking with michael because sometimes when you just lounge around the house, the tv is going or something is distracting, so i've found I get a lot of time to talk with michael when we go on walks and drive long distances, which is why I push for both a lot. We had a good talk about a lot of things, while I sported a bottle in my armpit under my coat to warm it up (i felt a little rediculous.)
Now we are home, and i'm blogging before I go to work.

Cute things about Nixon...
Today we checked his measurements and he's 21 inches, which means he's grown 2inches, which is pretty darn cute.

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