Saturday, January 2, 2010


So I have started a blog/journal to remember all the sweet things in my life. I now how a precious little baby, who looks older every day so i want to capture every moment I can, thus my blog.

Yesterday was New Years eve. It was the last full day that my parents would be here in Oregon with my little family. I woke up late like I always do with my new little munchkin. My parents had been up for a while with Nixon, my son, while Michael, my husband, was at work. We decided to go to Walmart. For those who don't live in or near Corvallis, the closest Walmart is about 45 minutes away. So taking a trip to walmart, is something you kind of make a day of. My parents are from California. Oregon has no sales tax and my parents wanted to buy a Wii. So they wanted to buy it up here and save the extra tax money. We went out to Lebenon and I bought some party snack food for New Years.

We planned on just staying home with my in-laws and just diong a low key new years thing. We were going to have party snacks, play games, and maybe watch a movie. Since my parents were here from out of town and we have a new baby, I didn't really want to go anywhere, to anyone's party. It was a really little party. It was so relaxing and I enjoyed myself. I thought it was the perfect New Years. It was low key and I spent it with those whom I love.

The clock said we had about 2 minutes before the ball fell, which is my favorite part, but we turned the TV on just in case. It turns out that the clock was a little behind and we turned the TV on right after the ball fell. But my mom said, look we have 5 seconds till the clock says twelve, we'll count down. So we did our own count down and it was suprisingly just as good to me. I really enjoyed myself, but it was bittersweet because I knew when I went to sleep, that i would be waking up to the day that my parents were leaving and my brother in law would be moving away. So i stayed up late with Nixon while everyone went to sleep. I had a really sweet little mother daughter time. Plus i had had a lot of soda, so i wasn't really tired. It was a good day. Good New Years Eve.

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