Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sticks sticks sticks

Nixon's favorite toys this week are sticks! For some reason our bathroom is the temptress of all rooms for Nixon to get into bad things. As if the drawers and cabinet door aren't exciting enough for him, and his new joy found in flushing the toilet over and over aren't tempting enough now the little guy has found the joy of long sticks which are the major body part of the toilet cleaner, the plunger, and the broom (all lovely toys for a child to play with.) So now if i'm not careful while getting ready, I will catch this tiny little guy walking with his belly out front, his bum sticking out back, and his arms in the air waiving around the broom or toilet cleaner, or walking around with the plunger like a walking stick. So hilariously odd. (oh side note, he realized that he can lift the toilet seat himself, so after finding him poking the water with his pointer finger while holding up the toilet seat, we got a toilet lock)

Another small task but big in the eyes of mommy, Nixon can dismount from the couch all on his own. In the past, Michael and I have had to watch Nixon closely while he's on the couch or bed because he would crawl his fastest right to the edge without thinking about the fall after the edge. We've been working on instilling the idea of "turn around, and slowly lower your feet to the ground," which he finally applied today all on his own while we were on the couch. There's something new everyday.

Recently I've been reading in Chronicles 2 about all the different kings who ruled the house of David after him, and how eventhough some followed the Lord, some sons didn't and ruined the kingdom. So I've just beed reminded how important it is to raise Nixon up in the Lord and show him my passion so he will be intrigued too. So I have these little CD's that are a Bible verse a song and Nixon actually really likes it, (he usually cries at worship music and smiles at mainstream music like Eminem.) So every morning we listen to these CD's and he dances/sometimes makes weird sounds that I think are his way of singing so far. Kinda fun.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! Love that he likes (and in his lil' boyish way, sings)those Bible songs. So fun. Proud of you for choosing to lead a life that will impact your son for eternity!
