Monday, March 7, 2011

1st Official Hair Cut

Today I went to get my hair cut by our normal hair stylist, Kristy. She's been cutting Michael's hair since before we were even engaged. Then when we were married I started getting my done by her. She's been there through the pregnancy cutting my hair and after. It was only right to take Nixon to her for his first official hair cut. He's gotten a little trim at home from Michael, but it was time to have his hair cut into a style. I was celebrating because my bald baby finally had enough hair to actually get a real hair cut!

So after I got my hair cut, Nixon got in the big seat. He was so serious and so still through the whole thing (just like how he gets at the doctors when he is checked.) When he was first put in the chair with the cover around his neck, he looked like a tiny floating head amongst a big dark drape. He looked nervous and I was afraid he would just break down crying and there would be no hair cut because his face looked so unsure. But he braved through it.To get him to look down, we used our phones with videos for him to watch. He was quiet the whole time and barely moved his head to peak in the mirror. Kristy kept saying his behavior was "unreal" for someone his age. We were definately proud doting parents today...and of course, he got a phohawk!

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