Friday, March 11, 2011

Apples and Re-Visited Toys

So recently while Nixon and I were at the grocery store, we were in the produce section and I stumbled across something amazing in my own little Mommy world. Baby sized apples!!! I've been trying really hard to get Nixon to eat adult food, so when he's older, I'm not having to blend or cut food up special for Nixon. Sorry, but I'm not sending my child to school with a baby food sack lunch. So Nixon and I have been sharing real fruit, sometimes babanas, sometimes pears, and sometimes apples. I eat them whole with Nixon. And at times I'll give Nixon his own whole apple to hold in his hands to eat, but it's just kind of pitiful to watch those tiny hands try to hold the giant apple. So I bought these baby sized apples. Oddly enough they cost more than regular sized apples but it was worth the difference. Nixon was so happy with his Nixon sized apple. He just looks like a little "big person." Another thing I'm learning as a Mom is the fickle mind of growing babies/toddlers when it comes to toys. Nixon will love a toy for a couple days and then he won't touch it for weeks. I'll put it in front of him and he'll just toss it aside. Then all of the sudden he will rediscover it later and it will be the best thing ever that day. He has three large tubs of toys in random spots in our home. He'll dive into the same one consistantly for a week and ignore the other two. Then the next week, that tub might as well not exhist and his only concern will be the next tub. So last night Michael and I were sitting on the couch talking while Nixon was doing his own thing over by his toys (which really means taking toys out of the box and placing them all over the house and then focusing on one toy.) All of the sudden he starts crying. He is leaned over his box, sifting through the box crying. I thought he might have smashed his finger, or lost his balance and maybe teetered into the box a little. Michael went over there and started laughing. He said "oh no, we aren't hurt we just can't get the red piano out." It was just a little humerous moment for the Lang family because I bought this piano for Nixon when he was about 6 months old because he HAD to have it. Then when we brought it home he was less than thrilled for it. Now 9 months later Nixon wants it so bad he's having a meltdown because he can't play with it. Needless to say ALL NIGHT LONG all we heard was the clanging of those four keys over and over.

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