Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I can now say that my little son is walking! I consider him a full walker now that he can actually sand himself up from a crawling/sitting position and begin to walk. In a way he looks smaller to me than before. When he was crawling he looked like a big crawler, but now that he's walking I think to myself, "how odd that that little body can move just like mine."

Nixon decided that he likes bananas today. He's the worlds pickiest eater. And up until today hated bananas, but today we ate half a banana together and he didn't open his mouth with it on his tongue for it to fall off, (which is a new rediculous habit when he does't like the food :) ) It could be the fact that Mama liked the banana and was sharing it with him, I don't know but I wouldn't be suprised with tomorrow he decided he actually didn't like it.

It's funny how you can live in a place of your life and feel like "I wan't and know there's something more for us." and become impatient, but then when things get in motion, you just want to be in that comfortable place again. For so long i've thought to myself, it might be time to move out of Corvallis. I've been looking at apartments, and jobs. And I know it's right around the corner. But today I woke up to a snowy winter wonderland outside the window of my cozy, warm, roomy home and thought, "boy am I glad i dind't miss this." And all of the sudden I find myself holding on to the door for dear life instead of pushing it like I normally do. It's funny how God meets us where we are at and can always find ways to remind us that his plan is a bit bigger than ours.

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