Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7 and a half months old

I feel like every month, I say to myself, "oh this has got to be my favorite months of Nixon so far." So once again...THIS IS MY FAVORITE MONTH so far.

After about 4 months, Nixon's personality has really started to show through. He smiles at everything. At about 5 months, we heard his first real laugh. It sounds like a squeeky toy. Its so cute. I've noticed that Michale and I are really taking on the roles of mom and dad. Nixon sleeps with me in bed, he snuggles with me, and i can tell he just feels at ease with me. But when michael gets home, nixon gets so excited. He laughs for michael a lot more than he does with me. it's pretty cute.

At our six month check up, i realized we had been doing a lot of tummy time with nixon but not really working on getting him to sit up, so frantically i tried to have him sit (like all the time.) and he picked it up so fast. Now he sits up on his own as if it's what he's always done. he's so cute when he sits up because his round belly gets all squished forward and his neck is finally visible. :)

He's easily distracted and happy while he is sitting. But he still has this thing, that i have to be close by. if i walk out, he starts crying, but if i'm just there reading or whatever, he's fine. it's so funny, yet sometimes frusterating.

Nixon has 6 teeth now. his two bottom ones and 4 half teeth on top. they aren't quite full teeth yet. But he has the sweetest big grin, and i love seeing those 6 teeth.

It's been really hot here, so i typically leave nixon in just a diaper, or a onesie with his legs exposed. I love it, because baby skin is just so sweet and soft.

we started feeding nixon baby food. He loves banana's. Not really a fan of squash, or anyhting apple, but we still try it alot to get him used to it. About a week ago, he had his first solid poop. I was really excited.

I feel like time is flying by, but he's not growing as fast as i feared. So that's good. Every little thing is so important with him and such an accomplishment. he's always talking (well making sounds.) I just can't wait till momma or dada comes out or he crawls. That day will make my heart explode i think.

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