Friday, April 23, 2010

Nixon today

So Nixon has gone through so many changes, some things he just started doing recently, some things, he's been doing for a while. But I want to capture in writing what he is like right now.

Nixon is kinda chubby. He has these adorable full cheeks and lost of little rolls everywhere. When he wakes up and i put him on the changing table, he does this big stretch where he pins his arms straight down on his sides, and stretches is legs straight out (where you can see cottage cheese on his thighs) and seperates all of his toes and he pushes out his belly while arching his back. it's so cute.

I've just started doing "chill bumps" all over his arms and legs. It's so cute, he stretches out his arms and legs when i start like saying "please more all over." I love it.

He still only has a little tuft of hair on his lower back part of his head.

We feel one tooth right under the gums on the right front of his mouth.

He is very good at staying on his stomach, and lifting his chest and his arms. He is turning over to his back but not from his back to his stomach. He does tummy time for about 5-10 minutes before he gets tired and starts plopping his head on his hands. If i leave him, he kicks his legs and it looks like he is so close to crawling. He loves laying on our chest and staring at us. He just smiles. I love it. I lift his little body up and down (like chest presses) and when he comes down, i kiss him. He love it, after every kiss, he makes a giant open mouthed gummy smile.

He has been eating a ton. He eats about 4 ounces every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. If we give him 8 ounces every 4 hours, he gets hungry, so we just give him little amounts a lot and it helps with him not spitting up so much.

He's been fighting us with sleep. If he's aware he's going to sleep, he gets so upset. When we put him in the "go to sleep position" he gets so upset and wiggles, and pulls away from his pacifier, but if we are persistant, he will get pooped out and give in and his eyes roll back and he's asleep. When he's tired, you can't even put him on his back or he assumes you are trying to put him to sleep and gets upset. We have been trying to get him to cry himself to sleep. After he cries a little while, i'll give him a bottle because a lot of time he get's all dried out, and that usually does the trick in getting him to sleep. Last night, he was awake in his bassinet when we went to sleep. He gave out some frusterated cries for a couple minutes, i put a pacifier in his mouth, and he was up for about 15 minutes sucking his hands. And then he fell asleep, without anymore crying. It was really amazing. I am scared to take him on a plain to california because of his fighting when he's tired. I'm afraid he'll get tired and just scream the whole ride. We'll see.

He's grabbing things that are near his hands and grabbing my hair (the opitomy of a baby, pulling hair.) I've been reading books to him and he likes to touch the pages. We just tried this net thing we got from target and put a banana in it, he sucked it (all he could do was taste the banana.) He was so funny, he got very still and concentrated and just stared at me while he tasted it. He seemed to like it.

I love my love bug, he's just so sweet and such a blessing

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

week in issaquah

So I'm writing from Issaquah washington. Nixon and I came up this weekend with the Langs and stayed at Aunt Kims house for easter. I enjoyed myself so much. I liked having my own room with Nixon too. I realized though, that the more we are with other people, the more I feel disconnected to him. the reason is because I always feel this need to have to share him with everyone so i don't get to really have any time with him to myself. I know i do it to myself, but I just wish I had more of a back bone.

I had been realy good with my diet but it went to shambles this weekend. O well. I will be faithful when i get home. The hotel michael and i are staying at has all you can eat home made cookies all night long, how can i resist! haha.

Nixon is rolling over from his back quite regularly. He' s also grabbing things. Its neat to watch. The only bad thing is he has started grabbing my hair and my dangly earings. ouchies. He's gaining weight but is one incredibly happy baby. my favorite thing he does is he makes his mouth wide open and smiles. it's so cute. I have loved being stuck in a room with him and enjjoying him.

I just feel so blessed to have these two boys in my life.