Thursday, September 2, 2010

almost 9 months

So around the 4th of July a family friend of the Langs came to visit named the Izenbieiz (i don't know how to spell that) family. they had a daughter that was 9 months old. I was talking with the dad saying, everyone one says the first months are the hardest, but i'm finding that they just keep to keep getting just a little bit harder. He told me, just wait till 9 months. When our daughter became 9 months, everything became easy sailing. I kept that in my heart and went about life. And recently since Nixon is almost 9 months I have revisited that conversation, and I'm finding him to be completely right. Things are so easy. Ever since he has been able to sit up well on his own, life has slowed down to a wonderful pace.

Nixon can play on his own, and i don't have to assist him in everything. He seems to be learning so much quicker also because there isn't has much help, he's grabbing life on his own, with love and superviision of course. I love this stage, because he's still very babyish, but so responsive and fun. For all the work the fisrt 7-8 months were, this is like a honemoon. We just enjjoy each other and the funny things Nixon does. We communicate more. He copies some things that we do. He laughs all the time. He cries when he fall backwards from sitting cuz it scares him, but i get to comfort him and make it all better.

A few days ago at my work, i took nixon, another girl held him and talked with the residents. he got separation anxiety and started to cry. It sounds silly, but i've been waiting for that. I love that he's such a personable baby, but i've been wanting to be like "the one" for him. So i'm a little excited.

He had his first playdate yesterday. It was funny to watch him have to share his toys with another baby. He did well though. I was just nervouse since he's so grabby that he would grab his friend's hair or somehting. He really only went for Theo's feet.

he also did his first gernerous thing to me a couple days ago. he was munching a foot and handed it to me, and started to munch on the other. Something little but big in my book. :)