Thursday, June 10, 2010

Retirement Home

Well it's been a long time since I blogged. The reason I was reminded today was because Nixon was extra adorable at the Retirement Home that i work at. I had to go for a staff meeting and had to bring him since no one could watch him. He started to get a little fussy so i had to stand with him, then i had to walk with him, then I had to actually walk to different parts of the building to keep him occupied. I brought him to the residents and they LOVED him. It was so neat to see this side of the residents. I only see them at night when they are tired and I have to change them, but it was so sweet to see them so excited. The all got giant smiles and just wanted to touch him. And my sweet little Nixon was smiling at all of them and showing off his two big boy teeth. He was so sweet, getting excited and kicking his feet everytime i brought him to a new resident. I was so proud to be his mom. I know it made the residents feel so good. Nixon blessed them in ways he will never know.
In and out of our walks i would sit with Nixon and he would just look around so curiously and smile and laugh with me. He was just so cute. I realized Nixon is everything I dreamed and hoped he would be when i imagined him and he was in my womb, but he's so so so much more. I can't express how much i love this little one.

New things that he has accomplished this month. He has two teeth. He grew his first one on Matthew's birthday, April 26th, and his second one on my birthday May 12th, it was so funny and random. I discovered a freckle on his belly 4 days ago, on june 4th, 2 days before he became 6 months old. He pushes himself up completely on his arms and lookes so close to crawling. i can get him to sit up hunched over for a couple minutes before he topples over. Everyday, his "sitting" becomes stronger and stronger. He holds his bottle (not super steady but pretty well.) And when we nap together, he doesn't fight me. Oh and my favorite, he loves to stand up. We say "yaaaaay" and he smiles so big because he's so proud of himself. I love seeing that round little body supported by two tiny little feet. it's adorable. He really is such a sweet blessing.